Wow, I guess I forgot to post after I set up my own server... that was dumb of me!
The Life and Adventures of TuRfYMaN
This new blog is hosted on my own webserver running at my house, in my basement. It's on a slower connection than Blogger (obviously...), but it allows me to run a free server and it is super customizable! Go check it out!
--------Warning: Geeky stuff Below--------
For all of those that are uber curious about my server, it is running Apache2, PHP5, and MySQL 5. My blog software is Wordpress (version 2.0.5). It is hosted on a Intel Pentium 4 2.4GHz with 512MB SDRAM (no DDR support on motherboard... poop...). The OS of choice was Ubuntu (Yay for Linux!) The only major limiting factor is my 348 Kb/s upstream connection. Damn you Time Warner...